2610 Pioneer Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
(307) 634 - 3052
[email protected]
Pledges and Donations - Click Here.
Sisterhood Challah Sale - Click Here.
Photos Courtesy of Louis Davidson, Synagogues360.org
Shabbat Services
Please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM. Shabbat Services are also held on select Saturdays at 10 AM. Friday night and scheduled Saturday morning services are announced on our website, Facebook page, and our weekly newsletter. Our services are in person and online through Zoom. At the conclusion of services, enjoy our Oneg Shabbat.
Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Moshe Halfon and lay leaders.
We are delighted that you are interested in joining our Congregation.
Mt. Sinai is more than a Synagogue. It’s a family, and we want you to join us. Welcome home!
Our members come from a variety of backgrounds and lifestyles, but we all share a deep sense of friendship, community, and a love of Judaism. We welcome interfaith families, and Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and members of other movements (although we may not be the best fit for Orthodox Jews). Our diversity and strong community feelings are evident at every gathering and meeting, making Mt. Sinai a fun and dynamic environment.
We are both a synagogue and the Jewish community center of Cheyenne. We encourage you to participate in the life of Mt. Sinai as you consider membership. There’s always something going on at our Synagogue.
Please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM and Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM on the first Saturday of the month. After services, join us in our social hall for our Oneg. And come to the Synagogue or via Zoom for Jewish holidays and special events, including our Passover Seder, Hanukah party, Purim Party, Sukkot, High Holy Days, and a lot more. By the way, we don’t sell tickets or charge for High Holy Day Services. We have a large sanctuary so there’s plenty of room. Our services are also available on Zoom. The Zoom links are listed in our weekly newsletter and on our website.
We celebrate the good things together and help each other through the bad times. Come to our social events, services, and other activities. We’d love it if you would volunteer to help with our various activities (we’ll probably ask you to do that). Sign up for our newsletter on the home page of our website so we can let you know what’s going on. We have an active Facebook page and we update our website every week.
Our dues are $1200 a year. You can pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. You can pay with a credit or debit card, by direct deposit from your bank, with a check or cash (sorry, we don’t accept trading stamps… do you remember those?) If you would like to support our Synagogue and prefer a different amount, please let us know. And you are always welcome to worship and pray at our Synagogue, whether you are a member or not.
We are a non-profit organization so your pledges and donations are tax-deductible. Please use our website or contact the Synagogue office to make payments.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Welcome to the family! (Now, can you help us with the dishes in the kitchen…)
Membership Form