2610 Pioneer Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
(307) 634 - 3052
[email protected]


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Photos Courtesy of Louis Davidson, Synagogues360.org

Shabbat Services

Please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM.  Shabbat Services are also held on the first Saturday of every month at 10 AM, when we honor someone special in our Congregation. Our services are in person and online through Zoom.  At the conclusion of services, enjoy our Oneg Shabbat.

Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Moshe Halfon and lay leaders.

Coming Up

Wednesday, July 17 – 6:30 PM – Board meeting via Zoom. 
Thursday, July 18 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday.  Led by Rabbi Raskin while Rabbi Halfon is in Israel.   Feel free to bring your lunch and your questions.
Friday, July 19 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service in person and via Zoom.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228
Sunday, July 21 – 3 to 4:30 PM – Israeli Dancing.  New dancers are welcome.  This is a great time to join!
Monday, July 22 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week.
Thursday, July 25 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday.  Led by Rabbi Raskin while Rabbi Halfon is in Israel.   Feel free to bring your lunch and your questions.
Friday, July 26 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service in person and via Zoom.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228
Sunday, July 28 – 3 to 4:30 PM – Israeli Dancing.  New dancers are welcome.  This is a great time to join!
Monday, July 29 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week.
Once a week we send out a newsletter that includes events coming up, news about the synagogue, and more. Sign up and keep in touch!
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Weekly Message from the Board President


Well, that was interesting.  Last week, Chabad Rabbi Yaacov Raskin from Laramie led the discussion at Torah Thursday.  About a dozen people attended, which is far more than the normal attendance.  Rabbi Raskin talked about the history of the Talmud, and how traditions evolved and changed over time.  He’ll lead again this Thursday.

Torah Thursday is free and takes place from noon to 1 PM at the Synagogue.  You’re encouraged to bring your lunch so you can feed your body and your mind at the same time.

Rabbi Halfon is in Israel attending the Hartman Institute.  He’ll spend some time traveling around the country, as he did last summer.  And we expect he will come back with lots of stories about his adventures.

The Board of Directors meets Wednesday.  A big topic of discussion will be the Yiddish Food Festival.  The Board will look at what worked and what didn’t, and what needs to be changed for next year.  It’s always difficult to predict how many people will come to the Festival.  It’s ranged from about 400 to as high as 800.  We want to run out of food, but not until the end of the day, and we also don’t want to make too much and have hundreds of leftovers.

We also raised the prices of the shekels this year in response to inflation, but that caused some confusion among our guests.  The Board will decide if we keep the price increase or roll it back.

It may seem early to start thinking about the High Holy Days.  They are late this year – Rosh Hashanah is not until October 2nd.  The Board may start preliminary discussions about it at the meeting.

Do you remember the issue we had with the sump pump in the Synagogue?  The building is located over an underground river, and we use a sump pump to keep the basement from flooding.  The underground river is also used to feed our Mikvah, which has been certified as Kosher under Orthodox standards.  However, the river water is polluted (we use only a tiny amount in the Mikvah – the rest is clean city water.)

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality has offered to clean the water at no cost to the Synagogue, but we are checking to make sure their plan doesn’t affect the religious importance of the Mikvah – we want it to stay Kosher.  We’re working with the Rabbi who certified the Mikvah and the DEQ to come up with a plan that addresses all of the needs.  We’ll keep you posted.

Here’s our Yiddish Phrase of the Week:

Nito keyn eybike zakh af der velt.     
Nothing in the world is forever.          


Dave Lerner
Mt. Sinai Board of Directors


Donations to Israel

If you would like to send money to Israel, here are some options:


From Hadassah:  If you would like to donate to Hadassah during Israel’s time of great need the link is below. Hadassah Medical Organization acted swiftly after the assault by Hamas and is treating many of the injured as well as deploying emergency measures to protect and heal the people of Israel.  https://hadassah.gospringboard.com/secure/israelatwar?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Crisis+Email+Gaza+Attack+100823&utm_id=101878&sfmc_id=60158851
From Rabbi Halfon: I urge you support the Sheba Medical Center’s on the ground in Israel, by donating HERE.https://give.afsmc.org/give/525518/#!/donation/checkout

From Temple Emanuel: JEWISHcolorado donors have stepped forward to offer a dollar-for-dollar match up to $200,000 for donations to the Israel Emergency Fund. All emergency dollars will go to support efforts on the ground in Israel, aiding victims of terror, addressing trauma issues, and assisting with emergency medical and infrastructure needs. The match was launched by Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher from a shelter in a Tel Aviv Hotel and JEWISHcolorado Board Chair Ben Lusher and his wife Nicole.


July Birthdays

4             Lee Moench

5             Paul Saltman

6              Martha Silver
               Howard Levine

12           Dave Lerner

13           Marie Still

15           Andrea Moldo

15           Ryder Lucero

16           Georgia Young

20           Hawk McLoud
               Cara Johnson

22           Susan Feldman

27           Matani Ravenna


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