2610 Pioneer Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
(307) 634 - 3052
[email protected]


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Photos Courtesy of Louis Davidson, Synagogues360.org

Shabbat Services

Please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM.  Shabbat Services are also held on select Saturdays at 10 AM.  Friday night and scheduled Saturday morning services are announced on our website, Facebook page, and our weekly newsletter. Our services are in person and online through Zoom.  At the conclusion of services, enjoy our Oneg Shabbat.

Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Moshe Halfon and lay leaders.

Coming Up

Wednesday, March 26 – 6:30 PM – Shalom Dinner at Olive Garden on Dell Range Blvd. 


Thursday, March 27 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday is cancelled this week. 


Friday, March 28 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service led by Rabbi Halfon, in person and via Zoom.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228


Sunday, March 30 – 3 to 4:30 PM – Israeli Dancing.  Come join us!


Monday, March 31 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week. 


Thursday, April 3 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday.


Friday, April 4 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service led by Rabbi Halfon, in person and via Zoom.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228


Saturday, April 5 – 10 to 11:30 AM – Morning Torah Study with Rabbi Halfon. 


Sunday, April 6 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Sisterhood Meeting. 


Sunday, April 6 – 3 to 4:30 PM – Israeli Dancing.  Come join us!


Monday, April 7 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week. 

Once a week we send out a newsletter that includes events coming up, news about the synagogue, and more. Sign up and keep in touch!
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Weekly Message from the Board President


Passover is fast approaching and we’ll be giving up bread, pasta, and other forms of Chametz for the holiday.  But it’s not here yet… Our next Shalom Dinner is this Wednesday, March 26, at 6:30 P.M.   We’re all going to Olive Garden on Dell Range Blvd, and we’ll eat our fill of the breadsticks, pasta and whatever other dishes we want.  You’re invited!

If you are new to Mt. Sinai, we hold a Shalom Dinner about once a month.  We all go out to a restaurant together (usually a different one each month).  Everyone pays their own way, and we go to enjoy each other’s company.  It’s a great way to meet people – no one eats alone.  So join us on Wednesday.

Speaking of Passover, have you returned your Seder invitation yet?  We need to know how much food to make, so please get your invitation in right away… by Wednesday if you can. The Mt. Sinai Passover Seder will be on Sunday, April 13.  Registration starts at 5:30 (that’s when you should arrive) and the Seder starts at 6.

Jeff and Mary Weinstein will be cleaning the Synagogue kitchen to prepare for the Passover meal and they could use your help.  This is the “Get rid of Chametz” type cleaning.  It’s important from a religious perspective but is also a fun tradition.  The more people who help, the faster it will go.  If you can spare a little time, please give Jeff a call at (307) 421-7189.

Would you like to attend a family-style Passover?  Jonathan, Courtney, and Noah Make will be holding their Seder on Saturday, April 12, and they’re inviting the community to their home to take part.  Please email Courtney at  [email protected] if you would like to come.

After Passover, when Chametz is again allowed be part of our diets, we’ll be holding a Chametz Party.  We’ll do it on Friday, April 25 at 6:00 PM.  We’ll bring beer, soft drinks and pizza.  It will take place in the Social Hall at the Synagogue, and we’ll go from the party right into Shabbat services.  Think of it as a Shabbat Dinner featuring pizza.  We usually get the pizzas from a variety of different restaurants, so there’ll be some good choices.

We’re always asking you for donations… how would you like something for free?  The Synagogue has updated the tablets we use for credit card payments for the See’s Candy Sale and the Yiddish Food Festival, and we’re giving away the old ones.  They were purchased new in 2016, and the Synagogue information and passwords have been removed.  The tablets work, and they’re yours for free.  It will be first come first served.  Please contact the Synagogue office if you would like one.

And a thank you to Jason and Phyllis Bloomberg for donating and setting up the new tablets that replace these old ones.

Welcome Rob Spellberg!  He is the newest member of Mt. Sinai. His membership was approved at last Wednesday’s Board of Directors meeting.  Rob owns the house behind the Synagogue and we’re delighted to have him.  Rob, we’re looking forward to seeing you at all of our events (and he’s already come to a lot of them).

Last note – a reminder about the sponsorships of the Yiddish Food Festival.  Sponsorships cost $250 and are a big way that we make money from the Festival.  We print the names of our sponsors are large signs and hang them around the social hall during the festival.  Business, individuals, and families can all be sponsors.  Please get your sponsorship forms in… we’ll need time to have the signs printed.

Here’s our Yiddish Phrase of the Week:

Az men est khazer, zol es shoyn rinen ibern moyl.
If you’re going to eat pork, eat it till your mouth drips.   


Dave Lerner
Mt. Sinai Board of Directors


Donations to Israel

If you would like to send money to Israel, here are some options:


From Hadassah:  If you would like to donate to Hadassah during Israel’s time of great need the link is below. Hadassah Medical Organization acted swiftly after the assault by Hamas and is treating many of the injured as well as deploying emergency measures to protect and heal the people of Israel.  https://hadassah.gospringboard.com/secure/israelatwar?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Crisis+Email+Gaza+Attack+100823&utm_id=101878&sfmc_id=60158851
From Rabbi Halfon: I urge you support the Sheba Medical Center’s on the ground in Israel, by donating HERE.https://give.afsmc.org/give/525518/#!/donation/checkout

From Temple Emanuel: JEWISHcolorado donors have stepped forward to offer a dollar-for-dollar match up to $200,000 for donations to the Israel Emergency Fund. All emergency dollars will go to support efforts on the ground in Israel, aiding victims of terror, addressing trauma issues, and assisting with emergency medical and infrastructure needs. The match was launched by Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher from a shelter in a Tel Aviv Hotel and JEWISHcolorado Board Chair Ben Lusher and his wife Nicole.


March Birthdays

3              Marshall Brown

5              Denise Bendori

9              David Silver

               Daniel Hillshafer

14           Max da Veiga

21           Sihaya Reid

26           Esme Reid

28           Jason Bloomberg

28           Rich Menkin

28           Morris Gardner


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